Information about 49,000 villages, free computers to 20,000
schools, libraries in 35,000 villages, receives 300 postcards daily and gives
replies to the same… Pradeep Lokhande is running a special system for the rural
India. He is trying to bridge the differences between the living standards of
the cities and villages through his organization – Rural Relations.
The strength of Hyderabad is Information Technology.
Ahmedabad is known for its industries. Pune is world of BioTech… Everyone in
the country knows which city is famous for what. So, there is no lack of
information about such cities for businessmen who want to invest and people
searching for jobs. Likewise, a remote village in Nizamabad District or tribal
villages in Srikakulam or the lakhs of villages in India might have some
special feature. If such information is made available to the outside world, an
investor might search for a business opportunity, a voluntary organization
might adopt the village or it could come to the visibility of Corporate Tycoons
like Tata who can change the face of the village. For this reason, Pune based
social activist Pradeep, founded the Rural Relations. He is trying to gather
the information of every small village and putting them on the Internet,
thereby opening the doors for development of the villages.
After doing a Commerce Degree, Pradeep worked as a Marketing
Manager for many years. One day, he attended a seminar where he came to know
about the increasing opportunities in village market. Being born in a village
‘Vaai’ near Pune, he wanted to live life by becoming part of development of
villages and decided to quit his job. Pradeep though that information like crops
grown in villages, things made, major occupation of the villagers, etc . could
be sold to companies for some money and villagers can get better employment
opportunities through those companies. So, he first wrote postcards to hundreds
of villages in Maharashtra including – village heads, post masters and teachers,
asking details like the crops grown, students, population, employment, etc. But
nobody responded. So, he himself went to those villages and gathered the
information by explaining his thoughts to the villagers. With those villagers
help, he got information about the surrounding villages through postcards.
After gathering information of about 1,000 villages, he decided to sell this
information to Tata Company. But he could only get Rs. 25,000 for his months of
effort. As there was not even such response from other companies, he sold the
information cheaply to Tata Company.
Based on the information from Pradeep, Tata Company selected
few villages and made the farmers grow tea leaves. As a result, there was
improvement in the financial position of those farmers. Pradeep received
hundreds of postcards from the villagers as a token of thankfulness. He felt
happy that the farmers could benefit from him even though he lost money in the
process. With that enthusiasm, he took the role of a social entrepreneur and
wrote thousands of letters to villages for their information explaining about his
thoughts and achievements. He himself went to hundreds of villages to start
researching about the conditions. The response to his letters kept on
increasing day by day. He started receiving responses from village heads,
teachers and educated villagers. With this information, he started a website – ‘Village
WikY’. Ha made available the complete information of around 12000 villages
belonging to the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, Gujarat,
Tamil Nadu and Bihar. New villages are getting added daily into the website. In
this process, Pradeep went to over 5,000 villages to study the conditions. He
posted and received over one lakh letters with the villagers. He receives more
than 150 letters daily to his compound. Thereby, giving him the title ‘Postcard
Man of India’.
Pradeep developed several programmes for
development during his travel to the villages. He started project ‘Gyan Key’
and with the help of donors he was able to establish libraries in over 3,000
villages for the students studying in those villages. He donated computers freely
to over 20,000 schools in villages, thereby making computer education accessible
to the students. More than one lakh schools have been benefitted from this
project. Through his project ‘Village Developers’, Pradeep gave training to the
village youth who can directly showcase the specialties of their village to the
business organizations thereby, giving responsibility to the village youth to increase
employment chances in their village. He is looking forward to gather
information of 85,000 villages in the next 5 years, thereby, completely changing
the face of those villages. If you would like to share information about your
village, go to ‘’.
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